Saturday, November 28, 2009

Organized Sports

Ok, so don't tell Meagan I am writing this right now, or she might croak a toad-you see my head is pounding and she told me to go to bed, but I had to really quickly blog a little bit.

So, I don't think organized sports are my thing. Don't get me wrong I love to play basketball or racquetball, whatever. But I have recently realized that I enjoy them in as much as I am just having fun and not getting too serious. Last night, I played some basketball with the Zoar youth again, but this time Tyler came and played as well. When he was guarding me, he was taking it a little too seriously and was pushing me around and 'legally' roughing me up. Well, I wasn't having so much fun and began to feel a lot better about my decision to not play basketball in high school. I like to play it, but I really couldn't care less whether I win or lose.

Then, tonight G-Dubb played Western Carolina in basketball. I was getting too caught up in the game and was getting frustrated at every blown call and missed shot. It was too much, I was allowing my emotions to run rampant because of some insignificant sports event. However, at half-time one of the Zoar youth showed up at the game and then it really woke me up to reality. Here I was a 23 year-old (24 in two weeks) getting worked up over nothing, plus I would be setting a bad example for Christian. So during the second half, I tried to tone it down and just enjoy the game. I guess in a way that was God reminding me to calm down and keep focus in my life-honestly, it didn't matter if Western beat us in basketball. I am called to be a Christian everyday and in every situation; I need to remember that every time I step out on the court or sit down in the bleachers. If people can't see Christ through me, I am doing something wrong.

So here it is, my challenge: live the rest of this week like the Christians we are called to be. Before you act/react take the time to consider your actions and to allow each moment to serve as an opportunity to be a witness for Christ.

I am thankful my ability to write papers well and to write them quickly. What about you?

Later, gator



  1. But I always tell Meagan when I read one of your blogs!

  2. Trevar, please refrain this one time. Or if you can't at least wait a week, by then she will have no idea what you are talking about. Hopefully.....
